Sunday 9 May 2010

First succes of the year!!

Last year I have fished this very pressured lake in Holland with no result. As the temperature is getting better I went of the do some serious pre-baiting with the famous clubs. I had a two night session and the wind was blowing mad from south-west. the first day is saw a fish jumping just in the margin, and I place a choddy with a pineapple fluor pop-up on the place where the fish came out of the water. The lake is very low stocked with only eight fish on 4 acres. So I knew I was in fish.. On the last day just before sunrise I had my first take off the year, after a fight of 10 minutes I had the fish in the net and what whacker a big female lether carp of 40,2lb. I was realy over the moon.

Keep it up guys,

Ronald margadant

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