Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Mr Consistent!

Solar’s Simon Crow has been Mr Consistent, notching up 30-pounders from five different UK venues already this season. First up was a couple of thirties topped by a 32¼lb mirror from Emmotland’s Pond 1 in Yorkshire, shortly followed by a 30½lb mirror known as The Linear from Menards in Sussex.

He then ventured to Shropshire and Acton’s Bottom Lake where he landed a 33lb mirror as well as the Big Common known as Bill at 51lb.
He then banked a trio of thirties from Grenville in Cambridgeshire, topped by a 32½lb, and this week he’s just returned from the Isle of Wight where a 42-hour trip on Rookley Park resulted in a 31lb 2oz!

Crowy revealed: “It would have been six lakes but unfortunately I managed to lose a fish known as No Name from Orchid Lake a rod length out!” All of Crowy’s fish have come on Solar’s Stronghold X-Wide Gape hooks (size 6), and fallen for either Club Mix, Top Banana pop-ups or sweetcorn.


Solar is cool said...

omg this is not the truth!!

Solar panels said...

Unbelivible! I just wonder how that No Name fish would look like.

Carp Fishing said...

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